October 29, 2020
Lean Maxx™
You Can Now Finally Lose Weight and Keep It off Forever
10 Reasons Why You Should Take Lean Maxx™ to Lose Weight and Keep It off Forever
The Problem & the Solution
The Problem
The most common unsolved problem for centuries is “How in the world can someone lose weight and keep it off?” Taking advantage of that dilemma, weight loss products have become a 72-billion-dollar industry and still growing. So why are 65% of the population today are either obese or extremely overweight?
In the United States, 36.5 percent of adults are obese. Another 32.5 percent of American adults are extremely overweight. In all, more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese.
Most People Don’t Realize the Danger of Being Obese
The reasons for the extreme weigh problem even when taking weight loss products are as following:
The Correct Supplement Can Help You Achieve a Healthy Life
The Solution
The right combination of specific ingredients is key to have a weight loss and maintenance supplement be effective. You can have all the right ingredients in a supplement but if the right percentage of each ingredient is not correct, the formulation will not be effective.
A good example is having the right elements to make your automobile work properly (such as gasoline, oil, power steering, brake fluid, etc.) but in the incorrect percentages. Let’s say that the car needs 18 gallons of gasoline and four quarts of oil, but you give it 4 quarts of gasoline and 18 gallons of oil. Let’s say your car requires ½ liter of brake fluid and 1 liter of power steering fluid…but you put in it 1 liter of brake fluid and ½ liter of power steering fluid. You can see why having the correct fluids for your car but combined incorrectly will make your automobile work improperly or break down.
The body is more complicated and sensitive than an automobile and it needs a vast number of well balanced and properly combined nutrients to accomplish good health, weight loss and maintenance. So the following are key elements properly combined to achieve weight loss by a team of scientists and experienced formulators. These ingredients are in our Lean Maxx ™ weight loss formulation by “Healthy For You LLC” ™
Incorrect Weight Loss Practices Lead to Depression and Anxiety
Reason #10: “Healthy For You LLC” ™ is committed to make your weight loss journey a success and be right alongside of you to help you maintain such weight loss. For that reason, “Healthy For You LLC”™ will hold weekly Zoom meetings for those who buy our products, to guide you and answer any questions you might have on this very important and crucial voyage to a new healthier new you. You are encouraged to share your experiences and successes while taking our products and all suggestions are welcomed from those willing to contribute.