Knee pain can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include heavy physical activity, lack of use, injuries such as sprains or strains, sitting in a constrained area, or sitting on knees for a prolonged period.
First of all it’s recommended to do your due diligence to make sure nothing in your knee is broken or torn. Unfortunately most people that workout on their leg muscles in the gym don’t wear a wrap or brace over their knees.

Most people think that a wrap or brace is worn after the knee is damaged and not to exercise injury control before you perform the exercise. Using a knee wrap or brace will not reduce the results of the exercise on the contrary it will actually help your knees to relieve undue pressure and pounding on the knee joints and will ensure better form.
It’s also important that you stay away from leg extension machines. These machines are incorrectly designed to protect knee joints, putting too much undue pressure on the knee and causing the joints to over-strain and tear.
Incorrect squatting is also a cause for damage. People think that they need to squat past the 90-degree angle when doing a squat. Deep squats are one of the major causes of constant knee pain and damage. Knee pain is not just a result of weak knee muscles.

Knee pain is often a combination of hip, knee, and ankle involvement. If you have weak hips, the knee pain is likely to follow. Strengthening the hips is often a physical therapist’s greatest tool in helping with knee pain.
Here are 14 Ways to Avoid Knee Pain and Injuries
1. Maintain proper body weight.
2. Wear comfortable shoes that will support your arch and are a good fit.
3. Warm up before exercising.
4. Avoid high impact exercise at any cost.
5. Swim or walk on a daily basis.
6. Weight train with light weights and Good form.
7. Don’t decrease your activity or weight unless you can comfortably handle it.
8. Don’t suddenly change the intensity of your exercise.
9. Rest and your knee and leg muscles.
10. Ice your knee to ease pain and swelling. …
11. Wrap your knee while working out or walking on inclines.
12. Elevate your leg on a pillow when you sit or lie down.
13. Do stretching and strengthening exercises, especially for your quadriceps muscles.
14. Don’t over-train.
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