- Mental Stimulants: Are in most cases a product of early experiences in our lives. Peer pressure is also a strong influence and a mental stimulant. Others are new events, surprise happenings, fear, stress, and our perceived idea of what others think or might do.
- Visual Stimulants: can be triggered in several different manners:
- Peer actions and family pressure.
- The influence of media such as TV, Newspaper, Internet, etc., can be a rapid way to stimulate an individual to perform an action that while incorrect, is perceived by that individual as just and logical
What the body wants and how we satisfy that without allowing the mind to interfere is the question that needs to be resolved.
The Mind Will Always Lie
As mentioned before, “The Mind Will Always Lie.” This is a strong and unusual statement; however it is true in all of us. The mind will lie because it is manipulated by our desires – right, wrong, or indifferent. Such desires are stimulated or influenced by “outside influences” thousands of times a day.
Media, friends, relatives, events around you and your own self-influence. The body however cannot be made to change or comply with our thoughts or wishes by merely willing it, no matter how hard we try. To make the body react to change, we must work on it, what you put into it, is what you get out of it. We are all motivated by some sort of visual, physical, audible, or chemical stimuli. When the physical, visual, or audible stimuli cease to work many turn to self-destructive chemical stimulants as a means to get motivated.

The biggest problem with most of us is the detachment between our minds and our bodies, the desensitization that destroys our ability to be able to listen and understand our bodies. What does the body want and how do we satisfy that without allowing the mind to interfere is the question that needs to be resolved.
Training your mind to stay “neutral” and uninfluenced by your desires is also a key to successful health. Mental and physical awareness of all the stimuli around us and how to handle them so we don’t have to take pills to help us function from day to day is another step that our F.I.T. ™ Fitness Longevity Training Methods will teach you to master. Visit www.smartnesshealth.com
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer