Vitamin G has been called the most important health discovery, yet most people today are totally unaware that it exists. Vitamin G is the ultimate antioxidant and it’s not a nutrient found in drinking water, sunshine, food, or pills; however it has an impressive list of health benefits from reducing chronic inflammation to increase your emotional wellbeing.
Vitamin G costs absolutely nothing and it stands for “grounding” which you get from walking around outside barefoot it is also known as “earthing.”

There have been numerous studies on the benefits of vitamin G, reconnecting skin to ground with the earth surface. The key components of our bodies such as the nervous system, the heart, and brain all function through electrical impulses. When those impulses are corrupted, disturbed or interfered with, the communication system of the body suffers, and disease occurs.
Just like the human body the earth is also electrical in nature and contains an unlimited supply of health stimulating and grounding negatively charged electrons as opposed to human beings being electrically positive. This combination of electrons when they meet act as healthy antioxidants.

Today most of us rarely have direct contact with the earth. When we work, we wear shoes, when indoors at home even when we don’t wear shoes we’re not in direct contact with the earth. When we exercise or bike or run or just go for a simple walk, we wear shoes. Our skin rarely if ever makes contact with the ground, eliminating that possibility of having the negative and positive charged electrons having any effect on our bodies. We are all aware that much of the earth healing abilities stem from its antioxidant effect on the body through the skin and into the cells.
According to extensive studies on connecting with the earth either via walking barefoot or swimming in the ocean or use of a grounding device that connects your bed to the earth, report that vitamin G reduces nighttime output of cortisol, your stress hormone that keeps you up and resets circadian rhythm. This could be another way to eliminate insomnia and get good restful sleep at night for those over 70 million Americans that suffer from little sleep or sleep disorders.
So next time that you decide to take a walk, take off your shoes and socks and go barefoot just be aware of debris and dog waste on the ground when you decide to finally make contact with mother earth.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer