There seems to be an epidemic worldwide that has to do with the refusal to read ingredient labels in our foods. People complain about gaining weight, getting major diseases and being riddled with aches and pains; however they refuse to acknowledge that WHAT THEY EAT plays a major role with how they feel.
We can’t leave our wellbeing and good health to the hands of food manufacturers and growers. Our health is our responsibility and the saying “buyer beware” surely applies here. While it would seem completely absurd that food manufacturers would even think of putting harmful substances in foods, they do it at a rampant pace. Read Ingredient Labels
“Cost cutting”, prolonged shelf life, stimulants, product appearance, “increased profit”, etc. makes companies integrate harmful substances in your food that if used for a prolonged period of time will break down your healthy system and be the cause for grave illnesses, and even early death.

Food manufacturers have absolutely no interest in your welfare. As far as they are concerned if they can save money by making you healthy, it’s ok with them. If they can make money by making you ill, as long as it’s ok with the FDA, then it’s ok with them. You play no role of importance in their business except for the money you are willing to spend with them.

Companies can put anything permitted by the government into your food, so it is the responsibility of the consumer to make sure that what they buy is in fact not harmful to their health. It is no different than purchasing anything else.

If you are buying a pair of shoes size 8 and refuse to read the label that tells you the size,(even though the label says size 6) but the salesman reassures you that they are size 8, will you really buy the shoes? Will you really refuse to look at the label to see what size they are? Will you buy them no matter what because you like the color and style?
Ingredient labels are very important items to pay attention to.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer