“We exert ‘mind logic’ and forego the signals and needs of the body.”
- The Body… and How It Communicates
- The body is constant and predictable.
- The body asks for nutrients only, not for food by name.
- The body has no knowledge of taste, smell, or flavor of a particular meal or food.
- The body only asks for nutrients to balance a particular deficiency in your system.
- “The body never lies.”
- The body has a need to be nutritionally balanced.
- The body deals with the “possible’ while the mind handles the “impossible”.
- The body will accept any and all commands by the mind, regardless of its apparent damage.
- There is no possible way to be successful in a nutritional program unless the mind has been influenced to accept it.

- The body is designed to heal and survive that is why it allows so much abuse.
- The body also communicates through feelings by chemical reactions inside it, such as headaches, pain, tiredness, irritability, depression, anguish, happiness, etc. All these are signs of what nutrition the body does or does not need, not a sign to us to take a drug to cover those signs.
- The body will perform beyond its limits and to the full extent of the minds’ desires.
- The body will do the impossible to repair any damage caused to it no matter for how long such damage has been taking place.
State of Conscious Choice:
“Choices made after a full analysis has taken place and a conscious decision is made to benefit the party involved. A necessity.”
- The Mind … And Its effects on Behavior:
- The mind rules.
- The mind is easily susceptible to outside influences.
- The mind should always be held suspect.
- The mind has control of taste, smell, or flavor of a particular meal or food.
- The mind asks for food regardless of the need for it.
- The mind asks for food by name not nutritional value.
- The mind is designed to accept, disregard, distract, fantasize, justify, etc. anything at will.
- The mind will always lie to you, if you influence it to do so.
“Training your mind to stay ‘neutral’ and uninfluenced by your desires is also a key to successful health.”

- Discover the benefits of having the mind fall in line with the body.
- The mind deals with the “impossible” while the body is totally restricted to the “possible.”
- If the body is to get in shape and stay in shape, the mind must be conquered.
- Understand how the mind and the body must work in unison to achieve successful fitness and nutrition.
- Be the sole control of your nutrition.
“Only put ‘Real’ Food into your Body… that is all I am asking of you.”
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer