- 1 cup of Barley
- 2 Mexican squash
- * 2 tablespoons of spice mixture
- 8 oz tofu
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon spices
- 2 large Russet potatoes
- 3 carrots
- 1 Trader’s Joes vegetarian vegetable soup broth

Finished Recipe
Cut the Mexican Squash, the carrots, the potatoes the tofu in small cubes. Add the barley and all the rest of the ingredients in a large pot put in the soup broth and the carrot water. Cook to boil, then simmer until the carrots and potatoes are soft to the gentle poke of a fork.
Nutritional Benefits of Mexican Squash
Some of the most important health benefits include its ability to prevent certain types of cancer, lower cholesterol, protect against diabetes, lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, help in weight loss efforts, boost eye health, build strong bones, improve energy levels and circulation, and increase the health and responsiveness of the immune system.

9 Impressive Health Benefits of Barley
- Rich in Many Beneficial Nutrients. …
- Reduces Hunger and May Help You Lose Weight. …
- Insoluble and Soluble Fiber Content Improves Digestion. …
- May Prevent Gallstones and Reduce Your Risk of Gallbladder Surgery. …
- Beta-Glucans May Help Lower Cholesterol. …
- May Reduce Heart Disease Risk.
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