July 22, 2024
It is understood factor that not everyone on earth is different. While most of us contain the same organs, genetics as well as our nutritional history and our fitness history makes us different. Even without those factors we’re still different from each other, as matter of fact the right side of our bodies is totally different than our left side of our body. That being said there’s no such thing as a diet that fits everyone, a pill that fixes everything, a lotion or a potion that makes you beautiful or any diet that will withstand proper maintenance.
People that are obese or extremely overweight and lose weight quickly tend to present themselves as “weight Loss Experts” and unfortunately, we have a tendency to make them into Gurus and follow them as if they had some kind of magical solution to weight loss, fitness, and nutrition. Advice from former obese people should be up for heavy scrutiny until they have walked several years in the moccasins of a healthy body.
Everyone is different, and we cannot use someone else’s road map to carve our journey on. Those that are in shape and have been in shape for most of their life while overcoming the obstacles that obese people go through without allowing themselves to become obese are the best subjects to learn from.
As long as those individuals did not use drugs or similar stimulants to give a healthy appearance and as long as they are not fanatical about their weight loss and fitness beliefs, they can probably help you find the correct path to long lasting health.
Beware of Obese or Extremely Overweight People Giving Weight Loss Advice After Quickly Losing Weight
If you are in your fifties, be very cautious about taking instructions from someone in their twenties. They have not experienced the biological changes that occur as we get older and therefore do not understand the pitfalls that are encountered by added age and the stress or the breaking point of a person’s body that is twice their age
We have a tendency to make “former” obese people into Gurus and follow them as if they had some kind of magical solution to weight loss, fitness, and nutrition. An equivalent psychology would be to seek advice on running a marathon from someone who did it only once and not from a professional that does it constantly for a living. Correct and sensible weight loss and maintenance is the key to a healthy body. The quicker you lose weight incorrectly, the faster you’ll gain it back.