Don’t you just hate the person who has a cold and shakes your hand? Or that person at work that is sick and sneezes in your face? Why do people that are sick don’t just stay home?
The wild spread of flu symptoms is made worse by those inconsiderate people that feel that they should share their cold with everyone around.
This used to be only the case with children that would bring germs home from school or wanted to go out playing even when they were sick. Now adults seem to have reversed to childhood and just don’t care who they get sick.

There’re many ways to get over your cold quick without contaminating others. Drink about 8 to 10 cups of ginger root tea during the day with some honey, take 3,000 milligrams of vitamin C a day, wear a surgical mask when you are in public, sneeze into the crook of your elbow instead of your hand and bundle up when you go to bed. This will cut your illness time by two thirds and will keep those around you from getting whatever cold or flu you have.
Be kind to others, treat your cold or flu correctly!
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer