Clean organs can support a healthy metabolic system, which starts with healthy nutrition. What you eat makes a difference and making sure that you stay away from chemicals in our foods is the number one step towards good health.
It is important to avoid packaged food and processed sugar which trigger various deadly diseases. However because of a fast-moving society and simple easiness, people are prone to shop the inside isles of the supermarket. So if you are to buy packaged foods, it’s imperative that you read the package ingredient labels and put back on the shelf everything with chemicals or added sugar.

Raw vegetables, salads, plant-based and nutrient-rich diet will keep visceral fat at bay. Then once again eating raw all the time is not something that many of us are willing to do. Keeping that in mind, make sure you incorporate raw food in at least 30% of your nutrition.
Stress is considered a negative element that triggers fat gain since it stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol, which is referred to as the stress hormone. This is a perfect reason why you should only do physical activities that you enjoy and not spend hours in the gym stressing and straining your body. Stretching, yoga or meditation will help with stress relief.
Nicotine lowers glucose production in the body causing those that smoke to lose weight. However I’m not sure if in today’s world there’s anyone that has not understood the damaging effects of smoking. Many use smoking as a way of losing weight by not eating every time they’re hungry but smoking instead. While this seems to work on the outside, a major cause of increase in body fat is smoking, which results in storing large amounts of fat around the vital organs.

Not many realize that later these fats that accumulate around the liver, lungs, heart and stomach will eventually bring major illnesses and shorten your lifespan. Changing your lifestyle for the long term is the key to staying healthy and losing your body fat. Thin Outside Fat Inside could be a silent killer. Watching your weight alone without some physical activity might not be a good idea to ensure good health as far as weight and keeping healthy muscles and bones. As obvious as it may sound, it is important to maintain a good lifestyle coupled with proper healthy nutrition to stay healthy and fit.
© Copyright – Hector Sectzer