Feverfew, believed to be the natural remedy for migraine headaches, should never be taken with Imitrex or other migraine medications. It can result in the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure rising to dangerous levels.

Guarana, an alternative remedy being used as a stimulant and diet aid, contains 3 percent to 5 percent more caffeine than a cup of coffee. So, if you are taking any medication that advises you against taking any drink with caffeine, you should avoid taking this stimulant. It may cause insomnia, trembling, anxiety, palpitations, urinary frequency, and hyperactivity. Avoid during pregnancy and lactation period. Long term use of Guarana may lead to decreased fertility, cardiovascular disease, and several forms of cancer.
Kava, an herb that has anti-anxiety, pain relieving, muscle relaxing and anti-convulsing effects, should not be taken together with substances that also act on the central nervous system, such as alcohol, barbiturates, anti-depressants, and antipsychotic drugs.
St. John’s Wort is a popular herb used for the treatment of mild depression. The National Institutes of Health is conducting a clinical study to determine the effect of St. John’s Wort scientifically.
St. John’s Wort, the herb, can be quite dangerous, as it acts similar to MAO inhibitors. They have severe side reactions, and if not careful, can even lead to death.

If you’re taking prescription medication for this disorder, you can get into trouble due to drug interaction. St. John’s Wort, the herb, can be quite dangerous, as it acts similar to MAO inhibitors. They have severe side reactions, and if not careful, can even lead to death.
High-risk patients, such as the elderly, patients taking three or more medications for chronic conditions, patients suffering from diabetes, hypertension, depression, high cholesterol, or congestive heart failure, should be especially on the lookout for such side reactions.
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