One of the most common and most difficult issues to deal with when a person starts to inadvertently gain weight is depression. Depression from an overeater comes from several issues like the chemicals in the food, the addicting sugar consumed, the feeling of bloating, stomach problems, psychological issues for their condition, etc.

As the inability to control the weight escalates a lot of individuals become more depressed and eventually angry. One way of dealing with feeling angry due to depression, due to overweightness is to analyze the negative self-directed thoughts and understand that success in weight loss comes from a number of accumulative failure attempts and the realization that education on the nutrient needs of the body is key.
Once that’s accomplished one must begin seeing themselves as an influencing factor in the journey of weight loss and understand that in any journey, mistakes and failure are part of ultimate success if we learn from those failures and adapt our plan to succeed accordingly. There’s no worthwhile journey that doesn’t face seemingly impossible obstacles and temporary failure.

Understand that your emotions will run wild with you and your behavior might become obsessive when trying to conquer weight loss, so toss away your scale, make a sustainable plan and stick to it no matter what. This doesn’t mean you should deny your emotions. Rather, try to detach yourself from your thoughts and become an observer of them. This will show you that your thoughts don’t have as much power over you as you might’ve thought previously, and you will be released from the negative control associated with food addiction and temporary setbacks associated with weight loss.
©Copyright – Hector Sectzer