You are probably wondering how exercise is possibly made out of two four letter words… we’ll stop wondering, for I just wanted to get your attention. Workouts are composed of two four letter words. Workouts don’t have to be grueling. Walking is exercising, dancing, window shopping, strolling through the park or down the beach, bike riding, etc. Exercising is “You in motion” no one says that you have to move at the speed of light.

You just have to move. Keeping active and moving is not only good for weight loss, but also for mental clarity, avoiding depression, improving your looks and your outlook on life.

Set a schedule for your workouts. Three times a day for 15 minutes each day is all you need if your daily nutrition is a healthy one.

Remember: Every journey has a starting point. Start off slowly. What starts too fast, ends faster. Don’t overdo your physical activity or you’ll just want to eat more. Do only what you can handle and little by little build your strength and stamina.

If you are elderly, keep with the walking and no matter who you are only do, to stay healthy what you enjoy doing. So make exercising fun.

Don’t get discouraged. Everything we do that is new has a learning curve. Just remember you are trying to stay healthy so you can have a better quality of life, enjoy your children or maybe even your grandchildren, your spouse and your family. There is a purpose beyond just accomplishing a goal here.

So stick with it, there’s many people rooting for you to be healthy, feel good and having a chance at enjoying your company for many years to come.
©Copyright – Hector Sectzer