Numb me so I don’t feel the pain…
It would seem most people agree with the importance of pain relief, for these analgesic herbs are some the best loved and most popular remedies.

Some uses for Analgesic herbs are: headaches, toothaches, sore muscles lower back pain and neuralgia. Some of the herbs commonly used as analgesics include:
- Feverfew
- Andrographis
- Arnica
- Balm of Gilead Buds
- Lobelia
- Mullein
- Bergamot Oil
- Pau d’acro
- Skullcap
- Willow Bark
- Boswellia
- Wood Betony

The feeling of pain may be blocked, numbed or temporarily taken away. It is important to know that these herbal medications have potential interactions other drugs the patient might receive as part of treatments. Anaesthetic herbs are used to create numbness and relieve or block pain. Examples of herbs with this property are:
- Arnica
- Caraway
- Kava
- Valerian
- Tea Tree
- Cloves
- Turmeric
Oh, the pain…relieve thyself.
An anodyne acts to relieve or soothe pain by lessening the sensitivity of the nervous system. It is a kind of analgesic and is often applied topically. Herbs with this ability include:
Balm of Gilead
Pleurisy Root
Beth Root and
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