Alpha alanine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning that it can be produced by the body and one does not need to get it through outside sources such as food, or other supplements. One of the main uses for alpha alanine are, for low blood sugar, diarrhea related dehydration, enlarged prostate, fatigue, liver disease, stress, and certain inherited disorders.

Alpha alanine can affect blood sugar levels. Taking Alpha alanine by mouth can raise the blood sugar levels after a blood sugar low due to excessive insulin for those people with type one diabetes, and it can also prevent blood sugar from dropping too low overnight. While many claims have been made regarding the benefits of Alpha alanine, there is not enough evidence to support any effectiveness or improvement of such conditions as diarrhea related dehydration, liver disease, schizophrenia, stress, fatigue, enlarge prostate, and other conditions.
Alpha alanine appears to be safe when taken properly for a short time, in the numerous studies that have been made there has been no side effects reported. However for those women that are pregnant or breastfeeding please contact your family physician in regard to the safety of taking alpha alanine. When in doubt stay away from taking this particular amino acid. Additionally if your blood sugar levels are normal or too high it is a possibility that taking alpha alanine could be dangerous.

Just like with any vitamin, mineral, daily supplementation, or amino acid it is important to consult your family physician to make sure that your current health condition will not be negatively affected, and that what you’re attempting to take will not interfere with your current prescribed medications.
As of now there doesn’t seem to be any information or research detailing any interactions between alpha alanine and any medications on the market.
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